The Eternal Light Bouquet
The Eternal Light Bouquet is an exquisite arrangement that will bring a luminous beauty to life's most precious moments. An exquisite glass cross is surrounded by white roses, gladiolus, Peruvian Lilies, Oriental Lilies, vibrant Boston fern fronds and...
In Our Thoughts Arrangement
In Our Thoughts Arrangement is a symbol of pure peace and caring kindness. White roses, tulips, freesia, Oriental lilies, double lisianthus, Monte Casino asters and snapdragons are beautifully offset by bright green Bells of ireland, ivy vines, and an...
The Rays of Solace Bouquet
The Rays of Solace Bouquet is a cheerful burst of color to extend your deepest sympathies. Crème de la Crème roses, orange gerbera daisies, purple lisianthus, green button poms and a mix of vibrant greens are beautifully arranged in a clear...
The Farewell Too Soon Bouquet
The Farewell Too Soon Bouquet is a blushingly beautiful way to convey your deepest sympathies for their loss. Pink and lavender roses are offset by pink Asiatic lilies, solidago and lush greens, perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase, to offer warmth...
The In Loving Memory Arrangement
The In Loving Memory Arrangement pays tribute to a life well-lived with every beautiful bloom. Red roses and carnations pop amongst this incredible arrangement of white hydrangea, Oriental lilies, snapdragons, larkspur, Queen Anne's Lace and assorted...
The Deepest Sympathy Arrangement
The Deepest Sympathy Arrangement is a wondrous presentation of grace and elegance to honor the life of the deceased. Pale pink roses and pink carnations are offset by baby's breath, variegated ivy, lush greens and a white sheer ribbon, gorgeously...
Welcome Bear Bouquet
The Welcome Bear Bouquet brings together roses and Asiatic lilies to welcome the new baby into the world with brilliant color and sweet beauty. Cream roses, white Asiatic lilies, lavender daisies, lavender mini carnations, bupleurum and lush greens...
Sweet Thought Standing Spray
Red carnations and red roses are elegantly arranged and accented with a ribbon in this beautiful spray. Arrangement is delivered on an easel and is appropriate to send to a funeral home or service.
Splendor Standing Spray
This standing spray is graced with two dozen green carnations. White waxflower, Bells of Ireland, and Queen Anne's lace add to its tonal beauty. Delivered on an easel, this one-sided design is suitable for the funeral home or service.
Special Blessings
The Special Blessings™ Bouquet is a brilliantly beautiful arrangement to bring peace and comfort to your friends and family in their time of need. White roses, Asiatic lilies, snapdragons and carnations are offset by lush greens and seated in a...
Ring of Friendship Wreath
This beautiful wreath holds golden yellow roses, Asiatic lilies and dendrobium orchids against a background of assorted greenery. An expression of your friendship and sympathies.
Red Rose Boutonniere
The Red Rose Boutonniere creates the classic picture of wedding elegance. A single red rose is chosen for its absolute perfection then accented with lush greens and a black taffeta ribbon to offer its beauty and sweet fragrance in honor of the wedding...