Sweetest Sunrise Bouquet
Sweetest Sunrise Bouquet! FREE LOCAL FLOWER DELIVERY AT SIMI FLOWERS & GIFTS! Even if she's already in a great mood, this cheerfully charming bouquet will boost her spirits to the sky. Yellow roses, crème roses and other favorites in...
The Blossoming Butterfly
The Blossoming Butterfly Box is radiating with vibrancy and is sure to bring color and bountiful blooms to anyone who receives it!
Sunflower and Gerber Craft Bouquet
Sunflower and Gerber Craft Bouquet at Simi Flowers and Gifts. Free Local Delivery! We also deliver to Thousand Oaks, Moorpark, Simi Valley, Agoura Hills and Westlake Village! Our Sunflower and Gerber Craft Bouquet is abundant and bright! With our...
Honey Bee
Create a buzz. Honey Bee is as sweet as they come. Hot pink roses and an orange lily compliment each other in this lined cylinder vase. Approximately 14"W X 11"H
Endless Sunshine
Endless Sunshine. Simi Flowers and Gifts. FREE LOCAL DELIVERY. "Yellow is hands down my favorite color, and I knew that I needed it to be the focus of the bouquet. When I was a kid, my Yiayia (Greek word for Grandma) sang "You are my...
Get Well
Let them know you want them to Get Well Soon. Fresh flowers and plants have a magical power to heal the soul - like a kiss from Mom healing a boo-boo. Simi Flowers & Gifts offers local flower delivery of flowers and plants in and around Simi Valley, CA or nationwide.