Everlasting- Two Dozen Red Roses Bouquet
Our Everlasting Bouquet is s complication of 24 long long stem red roses gathered with our variety of fresh eucalyptus and curly willow in our largest fountain vase. This bouquet is both elegant and everlasting, Happy Valentines Day!
Adore- One Dozen Red Roses with White Lilies and White Hydrangea
Our New "Adore " bouquet will definitely make your special someone feel much adored with this gift of full red roses, blooming white lilies and lush white hydrangea, making a stunning statement for Valentines Day
Crazy for You
You may seem crazy, but it's love! Red roses and stargazer lilies will show them it's for real. Approximately 10"W X 17"H
Impress Her
A classically gorgeous arrangement of a dozen red roses, accented with Hydrangea to really make an impression. Approximately 8"W X 18"H
A classically gorgeous arrangement of a dozen red roses, accented with Lilies and Hydrangea to really make an impression. Approximately 8"W X 18"H
Designer's Choice - Roses
Let our Designers create the perfect rose arrangement using the freshest roses with the best value. Colors may vary based on availability.
Gorgeous Bouquet- Two Dozen Lavender Long Stem Roses
Gorgeous Bouquet- Two Dozen Lavender Long Stem Roses Luxe and lovely, lavender roses have a way of making them feel extra special. This decadent two dozen is mixed with delicate greens in a classic glass vase.
Something Sweet Bouquet- Two Dozen Long Stem Pink Roses
Something Sweet Bouquet- Two Dozen Long Stem Pink Roses. We service all of of Ventura County and surrounding areas. Soft as a whisper, this pretty bouquet of two dozen sweet pink roses and deep greens are simply divine for any occasion!
Valentine's Day
They bring joy, love, and adventure to your life. Add the romance with a fresh flower arrangement from Simi Flowers and Gifts this Valentine's Day! From romantic red roses to impressive modern bouquets, we can help you select beautiful and affordable flowers for Valentine’s Day and deliver them to Simi Valley, Ca and nearby areas or nationwide. Love and romance are on the agenda, look no further than Simi Flower shop and Gifts for the perfect floral arrangement this Valentine's Day!